massage therapy program
I really need to go back to school and get some kind of skills that I enjoy doing best. Cosmetologist is one and maybe get the massage therapy program too. These two things...
View ArticleThank You Notes
I have so many to thankful for. You have no idea how thankful I am for all the people that helped me during the time when I was so down that I almost gave up my battle. I need...
View ArticleFoggy Mornings
Foggy mornings makes me crappy sometimes. I hate driving in thick fog, it scares me all the time. I almost hit something on my way to work one day. Rain and fog is not a good...
View Articleshari's berries coupons
I love clipping, printing and gathering coupons. It saves me a lot of money. It‘s fun and worth all the efforts I gave. The economy is still bad and we do and cuts corners...
View Articletitle loans Minnesota
I am seriously thinking of getting a small loan to pay off some debts. It‘s not much but I am planning to get a used car for the next couple of months. I already asked around...
View ArticleExhausted
My half-day off for the week was spent to sleeping and snoring. I was so tired that I can’t hold myself from falling asleep. The kids was not home yet from school and I...
View Articleestimate your life insurance costs
I am not looking forward of renewing my life sooner. But what choices do you have if you needed it too. Oh well, I better start looking for estimate your life insurance costs...
View Articlehouses for lease
Owning a house is always a dream of mine. I don’t know how I am going to have one but its on top of my list before I retire. I don’t care how big or how it looks like as...
View ArticleBoxes of Clothes
I got piles of boxes in my bedroom floor and I am looking at it right now and wondering when it will get unpack and be gone. I am so tired of looking at them that it makes me...
View ArticleMedical Secretaries Jobs
I am so happy to finally found a job that I like most. I am not being picky, I cannot afford to be picky about job not this time when the economy is still in bad shape. I am...
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